We are having performance issues with the Dutch OSM tiles. Zoomlevel 15 and lower seem fine. From 16 and higher, a lot don't even show up (404). https://b.tile.openstreetmap.org/16/33927/21415.png for example. It's not just in our application. Also on the main page. Is the server overloaded? |
It looks more like the main osm.org server.
I get some gray tiles at : https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/409863#map=17/53.21759/6.56937
It looks alright now for me. Is it for you also ? I guess some lag in rendering might it if so.
It might be a bit better, but I am not sure. A lot of tiles simply not showing up. I am zoomed in to the city of Groningen by the way. Just as an example.
Am I the only one seeing this? I am not getting all tiles no matter where I zoom in to, and move the map. It used to be quite fast. Can't really fathom that nobody else is bothered. Or are the Dutch the only ones looking at half grey maps?