Hi, I'm trying to get footprints with landuse tag within sample bounding box with query below:
Unfortunately, returned ways are out of my bounding box, as shown on the picture below (bbox is approximately red square) so the question is how to filter results to retrieve data only in my bounding box range? asked 10 Feb '20, 13:19 dnstankiewicz |
Would you actually want area objects that are completely contained in the bounding box only? If you are simply going to do your work within the bounding box, you are supposed to further process this data elsewhere.
Hi, I need to do following steps: 1. provide bounding box to my algorithm 2. it downloads data from OSM and filter only landuse in (forest,farmland) 3. union all territory with this tags 4. apply another algorithm to solar panel placement
Any suggestions on how to keep only territories within bounding box and then union it into one shape? Thanks for help!