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I have a freestanding shelter / gazebo tagged with:

Amenity=Shelter Shelter_type=Picnic_shelter Bin=yes Power_supply=yes Table=yes

The table is “in / under” the shelter, but the bin is “several meters away”.

Not sure if I should

1: create separate nodes for the bin and table... and delete the tags in the amenity...


2: leave the bin and table as tags in the amenity only...


3: add separate noes AND keep the tags in the shelter amenity...

Hope this makes sense...

Regards, - jd


node = 753437011

Node = 7196475591

asked 09 Feb '20, 02:53

AussieJD's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


As mentioned, you should remove generic names, or at least move them to description=. You can tag the electricity supply with voltage=240. picnic_table=yes is also a more common tag than table=yes.

(09 Feb '20, 10:07) Kovoschiz

Hi, I see you've already made some amendments.

I presume it's this area :-

If there is only one table then there should be only one table mapped. IMHO from the size of the shelter I'd tag both table and shelter, I would say remove the table=yes (and bin=yes) tags from the shelter polygon leaving the table as a separate node.

I'd also question whether the fountain, shelter and table are formally named? If not then those name tags ought be removed.

permanent link

answered 09 Feb '20, 08:23

BCNorwich's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%


*=yes tags mean it has *= with it. It does not represent an instance of *=. Don't remove it.

(09 Feb '20, 09:53) Kovoschiz

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question asked: 09 Feb '20, 02:53

question was seen: 1,221 times

last updated: 09 Feb '20, 10:12

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum