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Facebook uses this map on its platform, right?
It turns out that in the last few days the city where I live, on Facebook, has changed from the category of city to municipality, and that way, I can no longer do data surveys on Audience Insights and even on Instagram I cannot find the city to target ads.

Recalling that here is a city and was recognized as such on Facebook, being recently changed.

Can anyone help to return Pará de Minas, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to city category?

asked 08 Feb '20, 13:19

DJAVAN%20L's gravatar image

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edited 08 Feb '20, 13:21


Searching for Para de Minas shows that it is mapped as both a node (place=town) and as an administrative boundary. However there have been no changes to either of those objects for several years, so it seems unlikely that the change you describe is related to OSM.

The fact that Facebook uses OSM in some context doesn't mean they use it for ALL geographical information. You would probably need to ask them directly why the city status changed.

(08 Feb '20, 14:22) alan_gr

I opened a ticket on Facebook and they reported me to open a ticket on OSM. 🤷

(08 Feb '20, 18:28) DJAVAN L
(08 Feb '20, 18:30) alan_gr

I opened a ticket on Facebook and they reported me to open a ticket on OSM.

That's actually not very helpful unless they explain how they are processing OSM data to determine in OSM "what is a town".

Could you ask Facebook to contribute here and explain that?

(09 Feb '20, 19:17) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 08 Feb '20, 13:19

question was seen: 716 times

last updated: 09 Feb '20, 19:17

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum