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Hi! I want to know why my IP address was blocked since November '19. I google it several times to reach for a solution but with no solutions.


asked 08 Feb '20, 03:12

adphxlx's gravatar image

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blocked for what? Access of tiles on ? see in that case

(08 Feb '20, 06:37) escada

I cannot access the main page, and I don't know why. Neither I don't know how to contact with the admins of the page since the IRC channel doesn't work for me.

(08 Feb '20, 16:45) adphxlx

can you post a screenshot of what you see and the exact URL ?

(09 Feb '20, 10:32) escada

ERR CONNECTION TIMED OUT is the error I got after some time trying to access the page.

(10 Feb '20, 15:59) adphxlx

That's not what you get when you are blocked I think. This is the result of a very slow connection. But are you trying http or https? If you have not tried https, please try that

(11 Feb '20, 11:11) escada

Unfortunely I have tried that also, even changing the browser, the pc, with a different dns. But still cannot access

I can access but not for example

(13 Feb '20, 03:24) adphxlx

Are you by any chance using IPv6?

(13 Feb '20, 18:44) SimonPoole ♦

No, I´ve tested it now and I´m not using IPv6

(13 Feb '20, 19:19) adphxlx

Can you try some basic network tests from your end? A quick web search finds sites such as that help you. If you can get to IRC (or given that your browser is speaking Spanish, one of the Spanish Telegram groups) perhaps ask there and you might be able to get real-time help.

(13 Feb '20, 23:45) SomeoneElse ♦

There is also this possibly related issue mentioned on the forum site

(14 Feb '20, 05:27) nevw
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question asked: 08 Feb '20, 03:12

question was seen: 1,040 times

last updated: 14 Feb '20, 05:27

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