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Hi everyone, I try to do a map focus on only one country (Maynamar). How can i do to select only one country without the rest of the word, or with a different color ? Except the option polygone and try to make a giant one who follow the border point by point i haven't find any other option. I try few times to do this with "polygone", but as you need a huge zoom to acces at the otpion polygone it's difficult and long to do all the border of the country. Thank you :D

asked 07 Feb '20, 09:28

chardojoh's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Are you trying to this in umap? Or in what other way/application?

(07 Feb '20, 10:08) TZorn

The simplest way to highlight a country (or any other mapped entity), is to search for it on

For example, I searched for Myanmar, clicked on the first result (translated to my language) and got this map :

You'll see the border highlighted, and the capital as a point.

PS. I hope you're not using the "edit" part of openstreetmap to create your own map. Any change there is for everyone and will probably make a mess ! If you want to create a customized map, have a look at uMap or others.

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answered 07 Feb '20, 17:33

H_mlet's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

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question asked: 07 Feb '20, 09:28

question was seen: 7,678 times

last updated: 07 Feb '20, 17:33

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum