Hello Everyone, Can anyone please let me know, how do i map my online shopping store and please provide the tags to add. Thanks in Advance. |
OpenStreetMap is not a business directory. If your online shopping store does not have a physical presence then it may not be added to OSM. If it does have a physical presence - for example, if there is an office somewhere - then you can place an If you add further tags then understand that these tags will describe that physical location, i.e. the office. Do not, for example, add a tag that implies 24/7 opening hours just because the web site is open 24/7 - only add such a tag if the office is open 24/7. Same with any tags that would describe what you are selling; do not add Under no circumstances must you add advertising copy ("World's finest XY", "Premier ABC supplier", "For all your XYZ needs"); this has no place in OSM and will be deleted. |
Hi Picknhook, you have asked this before: How do I map my business?
Have you read the answer there?