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Hi, At this link on the map: near Fernvale, there are two label oddities:

  1. Bottom left - town label Fernvale appears, but the town is also labelled correctly up to the North East already (where the town is)
  2. Top Right - Lake Manchester label appears, but the actual lake (and it's label) already appear to the South.

Looking in Potlatch I can't see the source of these spurious labels, anyone know what's going on?

asked 25 Aug '11, 00:02

chas66's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Those labels are from admin boundary relations.

Specifically relation 96375 for Fernvale and relation 91460 for Lake Manchester. Mapnik shows the label with the name in the centre of the boundary polygon. Both are admin level 10, and appear to be imported from Australian Bureau of Statistics data. I'm don't whether whether these are accurate and tagged correctly etc?

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answered 25 Aug '11, 01:01

Vclaw's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

I suspect both labels come from the name of administrative boundaries with those names. A search for "Fernvale" and "Lake Manchester" returned both administrative boundaries. The search returns the rough midpoint of the boundary, which is where it will render the name. (I didn't search far enough to find the ID of the boundaries.)

This can be common in Australia, as towns often have administrative boundaries. (The boundaries are generally from an import from the ABS.) If you want to you can make the "place" node that also has the town name part of the admin boundary relation, so that it knows to use that node to display the label.

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answered 25 Aug '11, 01:02

Ebenezer's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

e.g. Lake Manchester admin boundary and Fernvale admin boundary

(25 Aug '11, 01:04) Ebenezer

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question asked: 25 Aug '11, 00:02

question was seen: 6,536 times

last updated: 25 Aug '11, 01:04

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum