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Hello Everyone, I have successfully installed The Nominatim and the Postgresql db on my server. During the setup I imported the following dataset:


I now wanted to add the following dataset:


I was given the impression I could do it with the following command:

./utils/update.php --import-file nigeria-latest.osm.bz2

but it is throwing the following error:

DB writer thread failed due to ERROR: Executing SQL ERROR: Error from osm2pgsql, 2

string(24) "Error from osm2pgsql, 2

I have tried googling but I have not found anything that could point out what was wrong. Please suggestions on how to fix the issue will be greatly appreciated.

asked 06 Feb '20, 13:49

imonike's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

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answered 15 Mar '20, 12:32

AR%20FURNITURE's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

@ar-furniture: please post a new question ("ask a question" on the top right hand corner of this page) describing exactly what you need help with. Your post here will be removed since you posted it as an answer to a totally unrelated question.

(15 Mar '20, 19:25) TZorn

update.php is for incremental data updates in format only. See for an explanation. It's useful for keeping Kenya up-to-date, but you can't use it to add a new country/region.

For importing two countries you need to first merge the files kenya+nigeria, then import. In your case that means first deleting the database and starting again.

See and

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answered 06 Feb '20, 14:08

mtmail's gravatar image

accept rate: 27%

Thank you very much. I guess I start again. Is there a maximum to the number of datasets I can merge?

(06 Feb '20, 14:54) imonike

Many people install the whole world, so only hardware (size of your harddrive) is the limit.

(06 Feb '20, 14:57) mtmail

Thank you. You have been a great help.

(06 Feb '20, 15:08) imonike

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question asked: 06 Feb '20, 13:49

question was seen: 2,426 times

last updated: 15 Mar '20, 19:25

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum