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Hi at the memorial site at Diksmuide (Be) here at the borders of the IJzer, they build a trench and made the walls with suggested sandbags, jute or hemp bags filled with concrete. Just to conserve the walls since jute bags filled with sand will erode in time. How to tag these walls which are used at the Vimy Ridge Canadian site as well, here ?

asked 02 Feb '20, 23:04

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

The wiki suggests military=trench for the trench itself, a more generic tag might be to add cutting=yes to the way if there is not enough detail to map the walls separately.

If the walls are mapped separately then they are likely barrier=retaining_wall in most cases, which should be drawn with the high side on the left, from your description material=concrete sounds like and appropriate secondary tag.

The appearance of the wall doesn't have standardized tagging, but the mimics tag was recently approved for mobile phone towers that are made to look like trees etc. mimics=sandbags might be a reasonable (if undocumented) tag for this aspect.

To my mind the outline of the site should probably be tagged historic=memorial unless the local community discourages this.

permanent link

answered 03 Feb '20, 08:38

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

How to tag a military-style trench that's not directly for military purpose though? This one is not historic.

(03 Feb '20, 08:49) Kovoschiz

I would be tempted to tag it anyway and call it duck tagging. A note or additional description to clarify the situation would be recommended. Possibly also a start_date=* if known from information boards etc. to indicate that they were created after the war.

(03 Feb '20, 09:30) InsertUser

Hi Kovoschiz,

If a whole country (Canada) points these trenches as been used during WWI in the Battle at Vimy, who would oppose such opinion ? The use of mimics sandbags is widely used to maintain sturdy look alike trench walls.


(11 Feb '20, 23:48) Hendrikklaas

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question asked: 02 Feb '20, 23:04

question was seen: 1,510 times

last updated: 11 Feb '20, 23:48

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum