can someone help me with this?
Re pavements - the wiki sidewalk page was created relatively recently; also footway=both/left/right was already used (in fact, there are twice as many "footway=both" as "sidewalk=both" currently). If someone has mapped the fact that there's a pavement at the side of the road in the UK you'll tend to see e.g. footway= rather than sidewalk=; and I guess the opposite will be true across the Atlantic. There are also people who suggest mapping them as a separate parallel way. This has been discussed at length on the tagging mailing list, and both sides of the argument think the other side is bonkers. Personally, I'd say that while mapping sidewalks/pavements as separate ways might make sense in some places (such as here in Helsinki) where paths start off alongside roads but then often head off on their own, in most places in the UK footway=both/left/right/none or sidewalk=both/left/right/none is probably the better option (and it's less work to map) As to whether you use e.g. "sidewalk=both" or "footway=both" I don't think that it really matters - it's one of the few places in OSM where a mass change of data for consistency (just "blah=both/left/right/none") wouldn't lose any subtle meaning. However, speaking as someone who occasionally walks home in the dark it's really useful data to have collected. |
I have edited your question to separate the individual questions. Next time please ask only one question in one post. If you have more questions add them as multiple questions, not as one.
... or you can ask questions about several points at once at
also i'm problems with traffic island grass verges at the side of the road and barriers at side of the road can someone tell me how to do these
It would be better to ask a separate question for each question - that way when people in future do a search they'll get relevant help questions rather then a question addressing many issues, most of which won't be relevant to them.
Also - because of the structure of the site, once a new question has been asked it only really makes sense to add answers or comments to it - new questions added as answers will only cause confusion!