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Hi :)

My server has been pre-rendering tiles for awhile now.

When i setup my server i only downloaded the Great Britain Map since this is all that is required.

I started the pre-rendering process via the following command

"render_list -m default -a -z 0 -Z 15 --num-threads=12"

After some research i believe this is not ideal, so my question is how would i pre-render the whole of Great Britain to a zoom level of 18?

asked 01 Feb '20, 10:56

CableGuy5555's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I use For zoom 1-12, the actual script that I run from cron is:

/home/renderaccount/src/ -n 1 -z 1 -Z 12 -x -9.5 -X 2.72 -y 49.39 -Y 61.26 -m ajt

If you want to pre-render everything once you'd probably want more threads, and you will want to keep an eye on memory usage, as there have been reports of this sort of "pre-render everything" approach having problems with that. Rendering everything to Z18 will get you a lot of tiles - if you want that amount of data offline (or able to be statically served) I might be tempted to look at another option for serving data, depending on what your goal is.

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answered 01 Feb '20, 11:22

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

edited 01 Feb '20, 11:22

Thanks for this :)

(02 Feb '20, 03:12) CableGuy5555

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question asked: 01 Feb '20, 10:56

question was seen: 1,685 times

last updated: 02 Feb '20, 03:12

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum