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Well, AFTER I joined, a message said I did not have to join to post something simple. To click on their hot link to map, the the message said an icon would appear that I could drag, then click in to leave a not. NO ICON APPEARED. However, the map did remember where I had drilled down to find the error, but that is all; just the search box and usual icons along the right side.

This database has my city VERY wrong. The city which it lists is TWO cities over, not even adjacent.

How do I report this error? But I also am concerned where you got your original data, as my exact street number and actual house shows up on the map, and clearly it is not in the zip code of the wrongly listed city.

asked 29 Jan '20, 19:56

cmglenn's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


The data for the city limits of Troutdale came from the US Census Bureau in 2008 and Metro (the regional government) in 2011, and the address of the house came from Metro in 2015. Metro reports that the house is not located within Troutdale and only has a Troutdale mailing address.

(30 Jan '20, 01:45) Andrew Kvalheim

Boy am I confused. I decided to post another note about other serious errors. Part way thru, I pressed something on my keyboard which caused my words to disappear, I assume it was posted???

So I continued in another post which I did post when I was ready to post.

How do I find this or these posts? I tried editing the above link by eliminating the note number, but that was 404.

[I do have an issue with the Submit label...I am NOT "answering your own question"! I"m SUBMITTING a reply.

(30 Jan '20, 18:57) cmglenn

(Go to, click your name in the top right, choose "My profile" then "My notes".)

(30 Jan '20, 21:07) Richard ♦

One other thing that's probably worth mentioning, as says, is that OpenStreetMap is created by local people with local knowledge, so if you know that something's wrong, you're probably the person who is best placed to fix it. Some things might be tricky to fix, but some of the street name issues you mention in your notes might be easier. If you hit the "edit" button at the top of the screen you'll be taken through an "introduction to editing"; there's also help here and here.

permanent link

answered 30 Jan '20, 21:51

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

Hi, Please share the exact location through (zoom and go to the right place, click on "Share" at right and share the url). You should be able to "Add a note to the map" (still at right of the map), if not be sure that you don't have any browser plugin blocking it, if not maybe try another browser.

permanent link

answered 29 Jan '20, 21:40

augustind's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

Thank you. The first instructions were not quite precise, as 'share' was not mentioned. I posted a note.

Unresolved note #2073394

Thank you again. It took GPS and Google 6 months to correct other errors, here much faster.

(29 Jan '20, 21:59) cmglenn

Ok nice, so here it is:

If past answer resolved the problem, don't hesitate to mark it at a correct answer to close the question.

(29 Jan '20, 22:04) augustind

I suspect that and explain what's happening - Troutdale is defined (perhaps incorrectly) as an area, and Springdale as a node. Because your address isn't within the Troutdale that OSM has, it picks the next nearest, which is Springdale.

(29 Jan '20, 22:25) SomeoneElse ♦

Thank you for your comments.

(30 Jan '20, 01:58) cmglenn

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question asked: 29 Jan '20, 19:56

question was seen: 1,930 times

last updated: 31 Jan '20, 10:52

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum