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I have recently noticed that quite an amount of the population tags in the cities/towns/villages nodes have been removed in bulk on different change sets. Is there any particular reason for this, since that tag is widely used when getting our dataset and can't seem any reason for removing data from OSM. If this was done wrongfully, is there a way to revert the changes?

Thanks in advance

asked 27 Jan '20, 14:20

Clinton%20Mercieca's gravatar image

Clinton Merc...
accept rate: 0%

Do you have a few examples of such changesets?

(27 Jan '20, 17:13) TZorn

This appears to be one changeset where lots of population tags were removed from the place nodes and added instead on the administrative boundary relations. In general, the population tag would normally be on the place nodes, so this change could break things for a number of data consumers.

(27 Jan '20, 18:22) alester

It looks like these changeset have been discussed on the talk-fr mailing list starting here:

It is a long thread (about 40 messages) and I haven't looked through it to see if it specifically explains the move from nodes to relations.

(27 Jan '20, 18:37) alan_gr

I had a quick further look at that mailing list discussion. I think the issue may be that the available population figures relate to communes rather than villages, so should be associated with the commune boundary rather than for example a place=village node (as there may be inhabitants outside the village).

You may need to make contact with the French community for further details.

(27 Jan '20, 18:51) alan_gr

I will go through the thread and try to get in touch with the French community to try and figure this out, thanks for the feedback.

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answered 27 Jan '20, 19:08

Clinton%20Mercieca's gravatar image

Clinton Merc...
accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 27 Jan '20, 14:20

question was seen: 1,527 times

last updated: 27 Jan '20, 19:08

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum