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There is an intersection I have recently navigated that does not route correctly, The geometry is correct but something causes the route presented to be incorrect. Let me explain.

It is an X intersection, grade crossing. East and westbound traffic can turn north or south. However, southbound traffic turning East must take a off ramp to the west, loop around to the eastbound route and proceed straight through the intersection. The (tags?) on the intersection presently route ALL southbound traffic through the offramp, even those not making a turning movement. I have always mapped physical features, I have never attempted to correct (tags?) related to routing. I'm using the map on a Garmin Oregon 700 if that makes a difference. ( i know don't map for a particular unit, they should work for all units. That's the only unit I have available to test with)

asked 26 Jan '20, 19:05

ras_oscar's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Please try to share a link (through or other) to the corresponding intersection/area to help people understand the situation.

(26 Jan '20, 19:41) augustind

Not sure how to extract a link. The GPS coords are 39.4933,-76.8903. It's the intersection of MD 140 and MD 91 in Carroll County, Maryland. When I copied those coords into the map editor and pressed "go" it re-centered the editor about those coordinates.

(26 Jan '20, 20:59) ras_oscar

Just go to (no editor mode) and then click on "Share" and include marker. Here is the short link of the place you are talking I think :

(26 Jan '20, 21:41) augustind

yes that's the intersection. Thanks. Sorry for the newbie questions. I'm a bit rusty

(27 Jan '20, 04:04) ras_oscar

The problem is that the turn:restriction had the wrong "to" member, it said "straight on", but said that the eastbound street was "straight_on". I have fixed this now, but it depends on the refresh rate of the router to see the fix.

permanent link

answered 27 Jan '20, 04:47

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

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question asked: 26 Jan '20, 19:05

question was seen: 1,212 times

last updated: 27 Jan '20, 06:19

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum