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I created a UMap map where I link my contact points to online contact forms, I would like to not display the full links (ideally). I can't figure out how to "hide" my links with a clickable text, either in my excel sheets or in the "description box". Can I input some sort of rule in my excel sheets or can I just add manually formatting characters in each descrition (which wouldnt be ideal since I have about a hundred of points), in that case I can't figure out how to make the formatting works (see the image in the imgur link).

Thanks a lot for your help!

alt text

asked 22 Jan '20, 10:00

ASMART's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 22 Jan '20, 11:19

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦


can you please confirm that this is a question about umap (and perhaps update the text above)

(22 Jan '20, 10:21) escada

Seeing your picture, I guess you use "Table" as "Popup content style". With this mode, uMap will display all available attributes with a format like "key value". I think in this mode, you can't use uMap Text formatting (useful to hide your link).

Maybe a solution could be:

  • replace "Formulaire de contact" value in your excel sheet (ex: by [[|The text you want to show]]
  • use "Default" as "Popup content style"
  • use "Popup content template" field to customize your popup and try to reproduce uMap built-in "Table" Popup content style (click on the question mark near "Popup content template" to know more about text formatting in uMap)

An example here: with two layers (same data : amenity=bar and website=* in Toulouse:

  • "Default" as "Popup content style" and customized "Popup content template"
  • "Table" as Popup content style

The example uMap is open to anyone for edition: you can explore its configuration, modify it if you want, hide/show layers and click on objects to see the different popups...)

Good luck,


permanent link

answered 22 Jan '20, 11:44

augustind's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%


Thanks for your answer, this is very thorough! So I understand everything clearly, you're advising me to change the content style of the popup but this will imply that I will have to manually modify every contact points right? Is there a way to this using excel (or at least faster considering I have 100+ contact points).

Thanks again

(22 Jan '20, 17:51) ASMART

Hi, I thought that your input file what an excel file. How your data looks like ? (.csv ? other ?) With Excel or LibreOffice you could use text functions (like CONCAT, TRIM etc.) to transform to [[|The text you want to show]] After export to .csv and import in uMap !

(22 Jan '20, 20:07) augustind


Ok I tried to copy the set up on the example map but it doesnt seem to work.... Plus I have some bugs on Umap (not saving my changes etc...), its unfortunate. Yes I have a CSV file, I made a test following the example map (using a random link) set up and can't see where I got it wrong. Do I need to input text formatting somewhere? Since I don't see it in the example map... Here are 4 screenshots showing my set up, did I do something wrong?

Display on the map (see at the bottom left, the link embedded is wrong) Layer set up Point set up My CSV

Thanks a lot for your help!!

(23 Jan '20, 09:32) ASMART

Hi, Try to remove white spaces and upper cases in your column names (instead of "Formulaire de contact", use "formulaire_de_contact") everywhere.

(23 Jan '20, 16:06) augustind

Hi @ASMART, did you try to remove white spaces and upper cases ?

(29 Jan '20, 21:45) augustind

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question asked: 22 Jan '20, 10:00

question was seen: 1,783 times

last updated: 29 Jan '20, 21:45

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum