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Hi, there's a new company putting up battery exchange points ( in our town. They are not charging stations as such (though they do charge batteries) but you swap your empty escooter/ebike or other battery against a full one. The batteries are in a locker rack (see website). Any suggestions how to tag these?

asked 20 Jan '20, 12:45

UliFR's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Existing tag:

amenity=vending_machine? Just need to indicate it provides batteries, is for vehicles, and is an exchange.

bicycle=yes / moped=yes (or look into recent proposals for these small electric vehicles)

Compare vending=fuel for self-serviced fuel pumps, vending=bottle_return for reverse vending machines recycling used bottles, and vending=parcel_pickup;parcel_mail_in for parcel boxes. In relevance, there's already vending=bicycle_tube for bikes.

The issue would then be making this variety of vending machine especically obvious compared to charging station.

Problems include contributing to a potential abuse of "vending".

Personal thought: I now wonder how to tag "charging stations" that lend you a mobile battery-charger to charge elsewhere. (for vehicles, and also mobile devices)

permanent link

answered 20 Jan '20, 22:07

Kovoschiz's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 20 Jan '20, 22:16

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question asked: 20 Jan '20, 12:45

question was seen: 1,258 times

last updated: 20 Jan '20, 22:16

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum