I came across some are's of burned forest, likely to use as plantations of any kind merely oil palms. Is there a documented use of tagging scheme to make that kind of demolished wooded area's visisble on OSM ? Or is the right way ignoring the progress or tagged as brownfield ? |
There Russian wiki page for wood suggests |
Cartographically burnt and recently felled woodland are often indicated on various maps: notably for woodland management, biodiversity, but also for recreation. There are therefore clearly relevant use-cases for this type of thing. In upland areas where forest regeneration is very slow these areas may persist for decades. As far as I know any tags in use are entirely experimental and have been used by individual mappers at their own discretion. The following are such examples I could find:
Although there is no sign of a single consensus approach to tagging, in many of these cases contributors have recognised how important it is to record the actual date of damage or felling. I think there are some related points on the Wiki, but I cannot find them at present. Note that in addition to wind, fire, and felling, forests can be damaaged by insect & fungus infestations, avalanches, floods and inundation. Hi thanks for the hints this was here, were they were busy making or creating space or room for a plantation of anykind, here https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=14/16.2509/-90.4586 Brown looking area's even with some remaining trees in between forested parcels.
(27 Jan '20, 10:55)
See also discussion on Australian mailing list https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-au/2020-January/013531.html