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Hi, I represent the brand Pizza Papa ( ) I changed infos on the map only on our restaurants : some names were wrong and a lot of information was missing. I used the official informations that can also be verified using our website.

I understand that the modification need an external validation right ? Who is in charge ? How long does the process take to be validated ? How low to be updated on the map ? Are those data used on the snap map on snapchat ?

Thank you for your help.

asked 17 Jan '20, 08:40

Pizza%20Papa's gravatar image

Pizza Papa
accept rate: 0%

The changes you made seem to be mostly fine on first glance. Website and opening hours are not correctly formatted, though. You might want to go back and have a look at the help site to correct them (opening hours: some commas needed, website: should include the protocol).

When saving your changes you marked that you like someone to review them. This is a optional thing, though. Even without someone having done a review, your changes are immediately live in the database. Once they are in the database different service providers take them an create maps, search engines, routers etc. It depends totally on them how fast they update their maps. The main map on updates every few seconds. Other maps update only every few months. You have to check with snapchat themselves about their update policy.

permanent link

answered 17 Jan '20, 08:59

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%


Thank you for your great answer. It really helps. I will be checking the hours and website protocol.

Its my first time using the system I thought that if I did not asked for a review I could not have a validation. It looks like it can go faster then. I really appreciate the support.

(17 Jan '20, 09:50) Pizza Papa

Just a further remark: while you may believe that your information is correct, reality is that there will be errors. So if you find information in OSM that differs from what you expect/have in your data and that has been added/changed by other OSM contributors, you need to verify that your data is actually correct (for example by visiting your local restaurant, or calling them etc).

(19 Jan '20, 13:39) SimonPoole ♦

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question asked: 17 Jan '20, 08:40

question was seen: 1,390 times

last updated: 19 Jan '20, 13:39

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum