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Hi, I am currently managing an IG business account and although my business location is listed on IG, the map doesn't show on the location page. img reference:

Will anyone be able to help?

My ig page is

I have contacted FB and they suggested that we contact openstreet map

asked 17 Jan '20, 07:10

Pearlin's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 17 Jan '20, 08:02

Is this the location of the restaurant: Your business seems not to be mapped indeeed.

One simple approach would be for you to add a map note with the required information. In the right hand panel on that page you find an icon with a speech bubble and a plus sign. Klick it, move the marker that appears on the map to the correct position (zoom in!). Then in the text box on the left hand side tell a bit more on the business: its exact name, which level in the mall it is in, what cuisine is served, opening hours, phone number etc. Then someone will probably add it to the map.

But be aware, though, that since this is inside a mall with many different shops in it it is not guaranteed it will show up on the map later on. Obviously not all shops can be shown on top of each other so the creator of the instagram map has to make some decisions which types of shops to prefer over others.

permanent link

answered 17 Jan '20, 08:46

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

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question asked: 17 Jan '20, 07:10

question was seen: 2,048 times

last updated: 17 Jan '20, 08:46

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum