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I have just noticed that although we have selected a set area to display on a map, this works as it should on ALL browsers - except Chrome. Any other browser will show the Pin, streets and landmarks of the area that we have selected. In Chrome however, all we see is a strip map of the whole world, repeated side by side 3 times. Our Pin is shown where the location is. Unfortunately you must click the + expand button 15 times to see the location. Has anyone else seen a similar error? If so, can anyone suggest anything for Chrome.

asked 16 Jan '20, 11:12

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also discussed in the forum, no solution yet apparently:

(16 Jan '20, 12:57) TZorn

Thanks, hopefully something will be done if it's not just me!

(16 Jan '20, 15:33) Midrob

I wouldn't bet on it. As I said on the forum "Unfortunately, without a bit more information about the actual site that shows the problem it's difficult to comment about what might be happening".

(16 Jan '20, 15:37) SomeoneElse ♦

Are there official support help on OpenStreetMap ? I would be happy to PM am example link of this happening, I am sure the original poster - Mike may be happy too. I don't want to skew visits on GA for the site owner.

(16 Jan '20, 16:03) Midrob

Are there official support help on OpenStreetMap ?

No. It's a free project, everyone is a volunteer. You'll still find lots of people able to help you, though.

(16 Jan '20, 16:10) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 16 Jan '20, 11:12

question was seen: 872 times

last updated: 16 Jan '20, 16:10

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum