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The new amenity "toy library" isn't displayed on OpenStreetMap despite being a node and having an specific icon since September according to the Wiki. I work in one of them and I hope someone knows how to fix it. I tried a lot of different locations and they are all invisible. Before the new amenity, they were classified as "library" and were properly displayed. On behalf of my coworkers, I hope you'll find ways to fix this issue. Jean

asked 10 Jan '20, 22:20

Jeanmelo's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

What appears to have happened is that someone noticed that the tag was sort-of in use but had never been voted on in the wiki, arranged a vote which no-one objected to and then left things at that.

Unfortunately, a wiki page does not magically tell people who look after renderers that there's a tag they probably need to consider. The place to do that for the map layer shown on as the "standard" layer would be here, and it looks like no-one has mentioned it. The people in charge of that map style may consider that 283 uses worldwide is still a bit low to consider for inclusion, but if it was to be included, someone would basically have to go through a process similar to the one that I wrote up in this diary entry. Adding a new amenity to the style is about the simplest change you can make so it'd be a really good "first issue" for someone to have a go at.

Other map styles would also need to be updated by whoever maintains them (now that you've asked this question I'll update the one that I look after - probably by just rendering it as a default leisure or amenity item). Normally I'd get prodded into doing this by seeing a posting on the tagging list saying that voting has closed, but I don't see a posting after this one.

I can see that people are actively using the new scheme (see here for example). Although that edit did have the effect of removing the display of a feature from displayed maps, I actually think that that edit (the change from "library" to "toy_library") makes sense because it was mistagged beforehand; it wasn't what anyone would call a normal "library".

If you'd like to have a go at adding the rendering of "toy_library" to OSM's "standard" map style then I'd suggest you create a new issue there about it and say you'd like to have a go at updating the style as well. If people think that usage isn't really high enough yet then create an issue at my style here and I'll help you through the process.

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answered 10 Jan '20, 22:48

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

edited 10 Jan '20, 22:51

Thank you for your complete and really quick answer. I now understand why it's not displayed on the standard OSM style. I see that someone have already created an issue on GitHub in last June ( and that the rendering team has refused to display it until it has more than 1000 uses worldwide, which seems doable if more toy libraries were correctly tagged. I'll try for the time being to add more locations that I know about before asking. I'll contact you in some time to add the rendering in your map style if I am free.

Thank you for your time! Jean

(12 Jan '20, 00:02) Jeanmelo

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question asked: 10 Jan '20, 22:20

question was seen: 1,190 times

last updated: 12 Jan '20, 00:06

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum