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I get "Error loading http:\a.tile.o" since start of 2020 on my homepage. I'm new at this but have figured that mapnik is used.

Glad for any help.


asked 07 Jan '20, 10:57

Lars's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Which Tiles are you using? The ones directly from Did you attribute correctly and respected the tiles usage policy ( )?

A link to you site would help to easily find the reason.

(07 Jan '20, 11:59) Spiekerooger

A link is a bit hard to provide as the data used need s a login. But a screenshoot might be helpfull?

alt text

(07 Jan '20, 12:20) Lars

The screenshot does not really help. What is the complete URL for one of the tiles not loaded? Does the site itself uses https? Does the site or your browser hides the referrer?

(07 Jan '20, 12:23) Spiekerooger

If you can't give the information here to help us fix the problem maybe the list of consultants at would be useful?

(07 Jan '20, 12:38) SomeoneElse ♦

I havn't written the code myself but think the url for tile server is set to "http:\" and then the wanted tiles added.

The site does not use https. Is that a requirement?

(07 Jan '20, 12:55) Lars

Yes, https is a requirement and has been since well before the start of 2020. However, an attempt to fetch a tile such as should redirect to the https version, provided that your web site can follow that redirect. A web browser will, but some software can't do that automatically.

(07 Jan '20, 12:59) SomeoneElse ♦

HTTPS is not a requirement but does redirect the request to the https version, but that should not be the problem.

Without knowing the site we can't help.

So if you cannot provide this information we won't be able to track down the problem. It does not look as if there is any problem on but rather your site (or you got blocked by not honoring the tiles usage policy).

(07 Jan '20, 13:02) Spiekerooger
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Problem solved!

By changing to another tile provider it started to work again.

Thanks for all help.

permanent link

answered 07 Jan '20, 13:54

Lars's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

+1 on the question. We develop UI controls for WPF / Winforms / Xamarin in Progress and had multiple tickets from clients using to display standart openstreetmaps in their applications. All of them receice too many requests. We can also see this error in our applications. Can someone explain is there a change in the tile usage policy or in the way particular IP addresses are limited from this service ?

permanent link

answered 07 Jan '20, 13:15

Petar%20Mladenov's gravatar image

Petar Mladenov
accept rate: 0%


... or in the way particular IP addresses are limited from this service

For the avoidance of doubt, as says, the OSMF's tile servers are not designed for use as a service "free for everyone to use".

We can also see this error in our applications

If you are following the tile usage policy and are still getting blocked I'd recommend asking in #osm-dev on IRC what might be causing that particular issue, but you'd need to provide more technical information about what you're doing than the questioner here has been able to.

(07 Jan '20, 13:25) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 07 Jan '20, 10:57

question was seen: 3,322 times

last updated: 07 Jan '20, 13:54

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum