The map we have on is missing new sub divisions, and doesn't show house numbers: But on the OpenStreetMaps site, it does show new sub divisions and has house numbers: Can you please advise how to go about having up to date maps with house numbers? |
The mapping on your site is served by Mapbox, who take OpenStreetMap data and resell it. You should contact them and ask them when they'll use the latest OSM data. 1
Thank you Richard for the prompt clarification, totally appreciative, I've made contact with Mapbox and will await their response, again thank you :)
(06 Jan '20, 23:12)
VPC 2020
Some of the missing buildings were mapped a year ago (, I'm surprised that Mapbox serves data that old.
(07 Jan '20, 10:38)
Vincent de P... ♦
MapBox stopped updating OSM data a long time ago. I think they never officially stated why. See . Better switch to a different tile provider. See for alternatives.
(07 Jan '20, 10:53)
scai ♦