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Hi there.

In Portugal and Brazil (the two examples I know) there are hundreds of river beaches (or fluvial beaches, as they are better known). Some have grass, others have sand and others have stones. What would be the best way to map them? It seems there's no appropriate tag for these features.

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asked 04 Jan '20, 02:35

AntMadeira's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Also common in Switzerland (and I would think Italy, Germany & Austria). We saw several (with sand) along the river in Tartu, Estonia during Sotm-Baltics too. Worth raising for discussion on the tagging mailing list.

(04 Jan '20, 19:53) SK53 ♦

I would probably tag the area (shore and water) with leisure=swimming_area. The portion ashore could be tagged with natural=beach, landcover=grass or whatever seems appropriate for the individual site.

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answered 04 Jan '20, 15:16

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

That seems to be a good solution. I thought natural=beach didn't include this inland beaches, but it doesn't say any in contrary on the wiki. On the other hand, these beaches are not natural. They're mostly built, taking advantage of some natural features. Isn't that a problem?

(05 Jan '20, 17:42) AntMadeira

The description of natural=beach says it is used "to mark a loose geological landform along the coast or along another body of water consisting of sand, gravel, shingle, pebbles, cobblestones or sometimes shell fragments etc". I wouldn't use it for the situation in your picture as that is clearly more grass than sand/gravel. But I know beaches along the rivers here that fit the description.

In your picture I would rather tag the shore area with landcover=grass.

(05 Jan '20, 22:41) TZorn

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question asked: 04 Jan '20, 02:35

question was seen: 1,379 times

last updated: 05 Jan '20, 22:41

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum