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In a park nearby here there used to be a factory ages ago. When the area was re-purposed the steel framework of the factory was left as a historical site and piece of art, and park was developed around it. There was constructed a new restaurant building joined up with the far end of the framework/shell left of the old factory.

The issue is that there are now some facilities "inside" this construction (no roof cover though, only very airy/open framework up there as well), such as benches/picnic tables, and some paths that pass through it. And the web editors I've tried don't seem to like that there is a way passing through a building/other features "inside" it.

So my question is then, how should this be tagged? Because it feels "off" to tag it as just a building that generates a lot of warnings when you edit features around/in/passing through it.

asked 03 Jan '20, 15:02

Simonra's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Maybe re-tag from building= to ruins:building= using the lifecycle prefix tagging scheme. My guess is the typical validator will not complain about other features within and through the object if it is tagged thus. And it seems to fit your description so it isn't really "tagging for the renderer".

permanent link

answered 03 Jan '20, 17:13

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%


don't forget to add historic=industrial and tourism=artwork

(04 Jan '20, 07:07) escada

I had a bit of trouble at first, because I used the iD in browser editor (I think it was that at least, since it's the first in the list, but i just clicked Edit on 😋), selected Ruins in the top/"what is this area", and then under All tags tried adding building as a new key. I gave me the same problems. But then I added ruins as the key with building as the value, and it worked out with no warnings and errors and stuff just like you said!

Oups, just saw your comment now @escada, will make a new edit now 😅

But seriously, thanks guys, I think can mark this as solved now 😀

(05 Jan '20, 09:45) Simonra

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question asked: 03 Jan '20, 15:02

question was seen: 1,540 times

last updated: 05 Jan '20, 09:45

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum