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I'm very inexperienced with maperitive and I'm just trying to change the rules for a certain area to have a black/white overlay so I can print it out high-res. As far as I know you have to download OSM data to be able to use rules, so I selected my area with the geometry bounds and normally this works fine, however I'm now getting a 429 error. All I'm trying to do is get a black and white map of a part of my city and I've probably spent 5 hours trying to figure it out with no luck. Am I abusing the OSM servers? If I am then there has to be another way to use rules that I'm not aware of. I would seriously appreciate some help with this confusion.

asked 03 Jan '20, 11:33

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question asked: 03 Jan '20, 11:33

question was seen: 1,174 times

last updated: 03 Jan '20, 11:33

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum