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I am running a Nominatim install on an EC2 instance with 1TB SSD, 6 processors and 64GB memory for the planet. The process has been running for about a week now. After rank creation, which finished about two days back, the install is stuck at index creation. When I queried pg_stat_activity, I see below as the currently active query:

CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY idx_placex_rank_address ON placex USING BTREE (rank_address);

This has started two days ago and still active. On the list of indexes that are created here:, this particular index is creation appears before some other spatial indexes. Does that suggest the install will go on for another week or so?

Strangely, I don't see the cpu or the ram being utilised by Postgres. CPU is at about 1% usage and memory below 1GB in usage. Do you think the installation is stuk for some reason? When I queried place and placex tables I see some indexes there but not all in indices.src.sql; if for some reason, the process is stuck, can I stop the process and build the remaining indexes manually according to indices.src.sql?


When I checked pg_stat_activity after 8 hours, I saw now the active query is to create a different index from here. Both the linked sql files have a comment mentioning, These indices are created only after the indexing process is done. Does this mean if I don't care for forward geocoding or search (I am only interested in reverse geo look ups), if I stop the process now I should be fine?


Finally the entire process finished in 8 days opposed to the 2 days that is given in the official installation instructions

asked 31 Dec '19, 17:58

picmate's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

edited 01 Jan '20, 16:20

How much OSM data are you using? Is it a small extract, a country, or the whole planet? The answer may not help with whether the process is stuck or not, but it could explain how long the process is expected to take.

(31 Dec '19, 18:18) alester

It is the planet. Thanks

(31 Dec '19, 20:06) picmate

Sounds much like If that's the case you need to watch the progress and possibly kill the autovacuum several time. After the installation run to make sure all required indices got created.

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answered 31 Dec '19, 20:07

mtmail's gravatar image

accept rate: 27%

Thanks, could you take a look at the update I added to the question?

(01 Jan '20, 03:09) picmate

The setup.php supports a --reverse-only parameter ( If you look into you'll see a couple of indices (those in /sql/indices_search.src.sql) are skipped. The one you mentioned in the original question, idx_placex_rank_address, is needed for reverse.

(01 Jan '20, 12:35) mtmail

It finished after 8 days. Thanks for the info

(01 Jan '20, 16:58) picmate

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question asked: 31 Dec '19, 17:58

question was seen: 2,866 times

last updated: 01 Jan '20, 16:58

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum