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In the past month, two users have replaced paths in a park I have added to OSM. They both put back old outdated paths based on images from two years ago.

According to one of the mappers: "In osmose a number of errors were shown for the missing street name". This probably draws attention to this particular area.

Is there any way this can be dealt with? Or will I have to wait till the aerial imagery is updated.

This is one of the paths that keeps getting removed:

asked 29 Dec '19, 10:47

Rabieluh's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Is there any way this can be dealt with?

Why don't you comment on their changeset or message the users first?

I see this from another user:

Tip: Kijk altijd naar de datum (Ctrl -H in JOSM als je de weg selecteert) Wanneer je ziet dat 8 dec de paden zijn aangebracht dan is dat een indicatie dat iets wellicht veranderd is.
Je kunt ook bij de voorgaande mapper checken wanneer je denkt dat hier geen paden zijn.
Ook geeft wel eens duidelijkheid.


Or will I have to wait till the aerial imagery is updated.

Don't. Your local knowledge works already. Link other sources for them. If you can, photo the paths (or even do a GPS track) and upload to help convince them and let everyone know.

permanent link

answered 29 Dec '19, 11:27

Kovoschiz's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 29 Dec '19, 11:29

I did contact the first user, showed evidence of the new situation via gps traces and official layouts for the park as provided by the parties responsible for the renovation. Also tried adding sources to my existing edits.

But even after that someone else recently removed the new paths, so I guess I will have to "guard" this particular part of the map and keep repairing it.

(29 Dec '19, 12:12) Rabieluh

This might be a case where it is useful to add a source=survey yyyy-mm-dd tag directly to the element rather than just on the changeset. A note=* tag about the old imagery might also help.

(29 Dec '19, 15:21) InsertUser

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question asked: 29 Dec '19, 10:47

question was seen: 1,175 times

last updated: 29 Dec '19, 15:21

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum