In New Zealand there are many areas that are officially classified as "local purpose reserves". While there are some large reserves (such as the Porirua Scenic Reserve), many in Porirua are quite small (the size of neighbourhood parks). In particular, there are some that serve no recreational purpose, such as Kotuku Reserve and the Titahi Bay Road Reserves, but seem to be reserved to maintain the landscape. I'm wondering if these should be tagged with |
You should look into [edit] Apparently the Wiki (what would have thought...) and IUCN are conflicting. Because UK LNRs are protected by national legislation, they should be IUCN Category IV, corresponding to If you have no idea like I do, you could still add them as
As mentioned by others in your previous question, LNRs are not protected by national legislation: the legislation merely allows them to be designated by a local authority. Much of the protection is not legal, but through ownership and planning policies (this actually also applies in practice to pretty much any of the higher designations in the UK). In general I think the text for Australia probably also applies in the UK: certainly I'd be concerned if people took these IUCN codes at face value.
(29 Dec '19, 17:41)
SK53 ♦
That depends on the definition of "legal"... I read they are considered as a nationally established level of protection delegated to local authorities.
(30 Dec '19, 09:25)
Ha, I thought about mentioning
in your previous question, but gave up after failing to search for the origin of "Local Purpose Reserve".Interesting these are only zoned as "open space". In my place, there are designated green belt or conservation area specifically.