On openinframap.org I can see the Wildorado Wind 1 and 2 farms: https://openinframap.org/#14/35.29193/-102.31629 But on openstreemap.org only the turbines are shown: https://openinframap.org/#14/35.29193/-102.31629 The outline is not being shown (so I can't edit it). Secondly the name is not being found in the search results: openinframap.org showing Wildorado Wind 1:
openstreemap.org not finding name of wind farm, or showing the name of wind farm or the outline:
There are two questions. The first being that it's not found in the search results. I have no answer for that yet.
The second being that its outline is not shown so you can't edit it. The wind farm shown on openinframap.org references a open street map object with a whole list of member nodes: https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/6804129#map=14/35.2836/-102.3052 as opposed to referencing a "way" like for other objects: https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/174863750#map=19/35.29645/-101.74726 So I think open infrastructure just draws the polygon outline automatically and therefore there's nothing for openstreetmap to render with a label of "Wildorado Wind 1" on it.
I guess Nominatim does not recognize relations of type=site, hence it does not show up in the search results on osm.org
With regard to "its outline is not shown so you can't edit it", I think you're right - OpenInfraMap seems to be inferring the polygon based on the nodes.:
Via OSM's data layer or query button you can get to one of the nodes, and from there you can click through to the relation.
@TFJamMan If you see a need, perhaps you could suggest to add a label node for wind farms.