Mapping businesses in my home town in Mexico I have located seven tortillerias, shops that manufacture and sell tortillas exclusively. I would like some guidance on how to tag these facilities. The best I can come up with is shop=bakery, but I find that to be unsatisfactory. |
Although @jmapb's suggestion works I would approach this differently. I would assume tortillerias are culturally important things in Mexico. Similar examples, from my personal observation, are pasta shops in Argentina, churrerias in Spain (although generally a form of café/fast_food), crepe shop/manufacturers in Brittany and so on and so forth. If such places are common and likely to be in the hundreds or thousands it is entirely reasonable that they get their own tag. A good precedent is the amenity=biergarten in Germany and adjacent countries. I have no doubt that we miss many similar places in the global South which are familiar to local people, but don't necessarily fit well into the patterns of goods & services found in Europe & North America. Obviously for OSM tagging we should try & use general tags for concepts which are universal, but neither should we relegate things which are important in a local context to obscure sub-tags, '''unless''' there is already a universal way of doing this (amenity=place_of_worship, amenity=fast_food, amenity=restaurant). The production element can still be marked by craft tags when appropriate, but some shops will be outlets for larger manufacturers (at least in larger cities and towns). Just to verify that I understand your proposal, the tag should be: amenity=tortillera. This could then be supplemented with a name tag of name=Tortillera <business name=""> which would appear as a label on the map. You are correct. This is a very important feature of the Mexican landscape. It is a very small place, indeed that does not have one of these facilities. As I mentioned in my original post, my small town (pop. 20,000) has at least seven that I have identified. Larger cities have one every few blocks. I have little doubt that there are tens of thousands of these businesses in Mexico, and, according to Wikipedia, they are common throughout Central America and the southern USA. I, too, have noticed and been somewhat frustrated by the European/USA cultural bias in OSM. Are you aware of any ongoing discussion related to this issue?
(20 Dec '19, 15:51)
Thing is the point of @dougcb68 If you would excuse my ignorance, I can't identify any crucial or distinct features of a tortilleria that would make it a
(20 Dec '19, 17:24)
I'd advise against The choice between (Also, back to the amenity question... we shouldn't be mapping for the renderer, but just so you know, it's highly unlikely that
(20 Dec '19, 18:19)
@diugcb68: no, I would use shop=tortillera (or possibly shop=tortilla. My example of something using the amenity key was purely to show that there are well-established tags for regionally distinctive things (often with a significant cultural aspect). It was not meant to recommend the amenity key as the relevant key to be used in such situations Using shop keeps it under the same key as other places to buy food groceries.
(22 Dec '19, 09:29)
SK53 ♦
I prefer to tag single-item food shops as To indicate small-scale manufacture of tortillas on premises, you could also add feliz navidad, J Sounds good to me. Thanks.
(19 Dec '19, 18:06)
@dougcb68 You need to be careful with Comparing
(20 Dec '19, 17:35)
As I understand it, Certainly there are those who believe differently, and a strict reading of whatever the wiki happens to say at the moment may support that belief. I've seen mappers remove
(20 Dec '19, 18:06)
Practically in all tortillería shops they prepared the tortilla on the premise and sell it immediately to the customers.
(14 Oct '20, 05:33)
I would also go with shop=tortilleria because this is a retail establishment. While it makes the food on-premises, bakeries and donut shops also do this and they are tagged as shops. On the other hand, craft=tortilleria would be appropriate for a small tortilla maker that produces tortillas to be sold at local markets and restaurants, but does not sell them directly to customers on location. I will have to agree with Joseph. A tortilla is kind of a bread we use in México in our meals. In a tortillería they make tortillas and sell them to the public. They are similar to a bakery shop, a pastry shop or a confectionery shop. All of these are tagged in OSM with the Key:shop So analogous it must be tagged as: shop:tortilleria name:* met.
(14 Oct '20, 05:31)