How can I lookup a human readable label in different languages for a OSM tag? I.e. for amenity=charging_station it should give "electric vehicle charging station". |
"Taginfo" compiles data from the OSM wiki into an SQLite database which can be downloaded here: |
You could use a Wikidata query
Nominatim has a list of special phrases for various POIs in multiple languages, for example English. You can download the page content in plain text using the Mediawiki API: also downloads and parses the tables if you're fluent in PHP.
(18 Dec '19, 12:43)
This is actually not as simple as the other answers imply. The problem is that there can be a, in principle unbounded, number of tags that define a specific real world object. It isn't even guaranteed that there is some hierarchical structure in the tag use. So expecting to get a meaningful plain text name from a single "top level" tag isn't going to work particularly well. |