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can I download or get a link to photos of places (monuments, buildings, etc.) received by rest request having in my order go places

asked 16 Dec '19, 20:58

jailbot666's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


What service are you referring to? OpenStreetMap itself does not store any photos.

(16 Dec '19, 21:24) TZorn

but, some places on the map have image tags, with links, for example mappilary. I wanted to know if it is possible to pull these tags?

(17 Dec '19, 08:02) jailbot666

Example of a place with image tag Documentation of possible image tags

There isn't a REST or other API for those. You'd have to build it yourself. Basically download a copy of the or regional extract (explained on the same page) and using tools like and some programming to extract the data you need.

Note mapillary has license terms. If you effectively build a mapillary image browser (and thus request images from their servers) you might have to pay. That's my reading of their terms, I'm not an expert and this is not legal advise.

permanent link

answered 17 Dec '19, 12:17

mtmail's gravatar image

accept rate: 27%

ok, thx. you help me

(17 Dec '19, 12:20) jailbot666

That doesn't sound like the sort of thing that OpenStreetMap itself does, although someone might have created a photo-sharng service that uses OSM data to either display a map background or translating locations (latitude and longitude) to the name of a nearby place.

permanent link
This answer is marked "community wiki".

answered 16 Dec '19, 21:23

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

Tags such as picture, mappilary are described on the wiki. but it’s not clear how to use it

(17 Dec '19, 08:40) jailbot666

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question asked: 16 Dec '19, 20:58

question was seen: 4,048 times

last updated: 17 Dec '19, 12:20

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum