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How can I tag correctly those boxes used for distribution of free newspapers (see image below from Commons)? The closest solution I thought of is something like: amenity=vending_machine + vending=newspapers + payment=no but it doesn't sound 100% right.

example from

asked 12 Dec '19, 17:07

Torredibabele's gravatar image

accept rate: 0% You can refer to for combinations.

something like: amenity=vending_machine + vending=newspapers + payment=no but it doesn't sound 100% right.

What doesn't sound right is tagging payment=no only. These should be fee=no upfront.

Theoretically, such a box is already a "machine". Although the implication of "vending" ia questionable, there's already 6923 (4.95%) of amenity=vending_machine with fee=yes. Will do until anyone raises a better idea in general.

Personal thoughts:

Perhaps one can say an amenity=letter_box is an kind of such box with an address and access=private, seeing how free newspapers are distributed.

This is a good question for dispeners that are not directly payable too, for example coffee machines, and even something as minor as disinfectant alcohol. We have amenity=drinking_water (although I'm not sure what kind of man_made= a water machine itself would be, same for amenity=vending_machine), and amenity=compressed_air specifically.

Adding to my actual answer, I suppose a amenity=vending_machine would be purpose-built for payment=yes (thus could be optionally made fee=no). A dispenser could have payment=no but fee=yes, requiring the user to pay somewhere else (eg at the counter). Whether this constituent a vending machine should be debatable.

permanent link

answered 13 Dec '19, 11:09

Kovoschiz's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 13 Dec '19, 11:34

Thanks, also for the links. I found there is quite a few vending machines with vending=newspapers + fee=no so I'll be using that.

(13 Dec '19, 14:08) Torredibabele

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question asked: 12 Dec '19, 17:07

question was seen: 4,858 times

last updated: 13 Dec '19, 14:08

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