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The Forney Energy Center west of Dallas has an outer perimeter with the following tags:

"landuse": "industrial", "name": "Forney Energy Center", "plant:output:electricity": "1824 MW", "power": "plant"

And several inner perimeters with demarcating the turbine hall, cooling fans, etc. I noticed that on the turbine hall it had the tag of "source": "gas". Most other power plants I've looked at have this tagged at the top level. Are there conventions to follow? Note that I have (now I think erroneously) added operator and start date to the turbine hall but these I think these should be added to the polygon describing the perimeter of the plant. Thoughts on what to do / how to avoid duplicating info / link to suggested best practice(s ;) ) please.

Perhaps additionally the turbine hall #39952924 should be tagged as a relation or subnode/ child of the perimeter 39952915?

asked 11 Dec '19, 23:44

TFJamMan's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 12 Dec '19, 00:33

Don't avoid. Tagging both the plant and generator is the best practice.

  1. There could be generators of other sources not for power transmission, eg: emergency, start-up, facility use. plant:source= needs to be consistent with generator:source= for power output, same with plant:output == generator:output

  2. A power plant can have multiple power sources, value colon-separated in plant:sourc=e. generator:source= absolutely must be tagged explicitly for these. In time, there could be changes, renovations, and expansion in the plant in the future; or that there may be edits going on in OSM, like yours. Redundancy allows for easy reference, without questions needing to be asked every time.

  3. Finally, tagging generator:source completes the info of the generator itself. This data would be direct and simple to use. No need to further query and infer from the enclosing area, for info as basic and inherent as this.

Same for opening_date=. A generator could similarly have a different value. If you have the knowledge, certainly fill out as much as possible.

The area vs relation issue is long-standing. You are free to map so; surely welcomed and thanked if there's such an incomplete tagging of objects that, perhaps you aren't sure or are unable to totally sort it out yet. Usually this is done for more complicated cases, so I probably won't here.

permanent link

answered 12 Dec '19, 13:21

Kovoschiz's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 12 Dec '19, 13:45

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question asked: 11 Dec '19, 23:44

question was seen: 1,236 times

last updated: 12 Dec '19, 13:45

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum