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I would like to get osmium-tool. However, there are not giving any exe files. I've read this post and this post. Basically, these posts says to download artifacts. However, when I visited page to download artifacts:, I saw the following message:

Artifacts older than 6 months are automatically deleted. For more details see Artifacts retention policy.

However, I tried to build this project on my own. I use Windows, so after reading manual, I decided to run build-appveyor.bat file. However, this file throws an error!

Does anybody know how can I get the exe file?

My goal is to merge sixteen maps into one:

asia/armenia-latest.o5m asia/azerbaijan-latest.o5m europe/belarus-latest.o5m asia/kazakhstan-latest.o5m asia/kyrgyzstan-latest.o5m europe/moldova-latest.o5m russia-latest.o5m asia/tajikistan-latest.o5m asia/uzbekistan-latest.o5m europe/bulgaria-latest.o5m europe/hungary-latest.o5m europe/poland-latest.o5m europe/romania-latest.o5m europe/slovakia-latest.o5m europe/ukraine-latest.o5m europe/czech-republic-latest.o5m -o=merged.o5m

asked 10 Dec '19, 19:35

CuriosityBeginner's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


(for anyone coming to this anew, see also , but this question as written makes sense to stay around in its own right)

(13 Dec '19, 19:48) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 10 Dec '19, 19:35

question was seen: 2,964 times

last updated: 13 Dec '19, 19:48

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum