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I have a lot of spot data on my own. And I'm wondering if I can easily add it to OSM.

But there is a duplication problem if a spot I have is already in OSM.

Is it impossible to add simply using a batch, and does it require a lot of visual inspection?

If a company or chain store has made such precedents in the past, please let me know the process.


asked 06 Dec '19, 02:57

hendo107's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 06 Dec '19, 03:07


What's a "spot" in this context? A POI (Point of Interest)?, and yes you will need to deduplicate in one way or the other. There are tools to do that, but it doesn't sound as if you are fluent enough with OpenStreetMap to be so adventurous right now. I would suggest manually adding things till you have more experience (naturally depending on source and volume of changes may apply in any case).

(06 Dec '19, 08:50) SimonPoole ♦

"Spot" is a node. And the amount is over 100,000. I'll try to be fluent, but can you tell me the name of the tool to deduplicate?

(09 Dec '19, 06:02) hendo107

@hendo107, the tool is not important at this moment. Where did you get the points? How where they geocoded? What is the quality of the POIs? That is the kind of information that the community is interested in. Also, please read the Guidelines document that Simon Poole mentioned.

(09 Dec '19, 06:41) escada

@escada I run a travel service. It gathers reviews of sights, cafes and restaurants along with user coordinates. But this is not the main subject here.

I've already read the guidelines documents.

The main topic is a way to eliminate visual inspection. And maybe there's no such way or tool, so OSM has many duplication. That's right?

(09 Dec '19, 07:25) hendo107

I've already read the guidelines documents.

The main topic is a way to eliminate visual inspection.

I'd suggest that before we even get to that you need to go through the points in first.

(09 Dec '19, 15:00) SomeoneElse ♦

All imports require visual inspection of each item that has to be added, even when you use a Conflation tool. OSM does not welcome data that is uploaded in batch which is not inspected by humans (e.g. for nearby duplicates).

permanent link

answered 10 Dec '19, 04:11

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

Thank you! Then I will consider methods for efficient visual inspection!

(10 Dec '19, 05:39) hendo107

Before you go through that effort, you should first determine whether your data is even eligible to be imported. Getting the data into the database is much farther down the road.

(10 Dec '19, 16:53) alester

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question asked: 06 Dec '19, 02:57

question was seen: 1,512 times

last updated: 10 Dec '19, 16:53

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum