I have a gpx file which I have converted to an .osm file and loaded the information on JOSM. The POI's I created are on the map along with the route offcourse but I want to be able to delete the route and just keep the POIs and also edit the font of the POIS? Please suggest |
You do not mention if you plan to update the data to OSM. Since you ask here I assume you do. In JOSM the route and waypoints imported from gpx are separate layers. So you should be able to delete one of them. For the points you still have to do the tagging manually -> the recorded points work usually only as a background layer to help place the nodes for POIs. Changing fonts is not done in JOSM or stored in OSM - it is a question of rendering. OSM data say that there is a bus stop in a certain location. How this will be drawn on the map (if at all) is decided by the renderer (Mapnik, Omarender...) To delete multiple ways and nodes you can select them in a rectangle. Ctrl and Shift modifiers for multiple selection work as well. Maybe if you gave a more specific example (link to map with the gpx trace) you could get a more specific answer. |
As in is there a easier way to delete multiple nodes and routes>