Ive tried using NominatimPOIProvider to get a list of POI along a route using the getPOIAlong() method but my query returns a null, was wondering of OverpassApiProvider had a similar feature to get POIs along a certain route. |
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Ive tried using NominatimPOIProvider to get a list of POI along a route using the getPOIAlong() method but my query returns a null, was wondering of OverpassApiProvider had a similar feature to get POIs along a certain route. |
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question asked: 02 Dec '19, 19:10
question was seen: 961 times
last updated: 03 Dec '19, 11:21
NOTICE: help.openstreetmap.org is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum
Please mention that this question is about the third-party libraries osmdroid / OSMBonusPack.