I live in a village that has named houses everywhere and want to make a map showing their locations, how can i use "points" for the locations as there isn't a tag for homes? thanks |
That's because the database wants to know what type of feature you are naming. A name on its own has little or no value when not linked to a feature. To name a home you would place a point/node and use minimum tags of building=yes and name=Whatever. It would actually be much better to draw the outline of the building, giving that the minimum tags. 5
Also note that if the house name is used as part of the official postal address of the building, then it's better to use
(01 Dec '19, 16:10)
Hi Grays85, as BCNorwich has described, use an good aerial view to draw buildings together with your local knowledge. Draw every building just square as good as it is, with tags as building=yes/house, garage, shed and building:level=, building:material=, roof:shape=, (https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:roof:shape/material aso. And remember that every building has to carry a name sign when you ad it into OSM. Have fun and keep mapping |