How can I specify that a certain road is not to be used as a thoroughfare to reach another specific road? In Norway there are signs prohibiting cars from using a road as a short-cut to another road(usually a small road through a residential area leading to a major road).
I cannot use "access=designated" since the road can be used for all other destinations except that specific road.
I have tried to illustrate this with a drawing |
I think the closed tagging OSM has for this is the turn restrictions schema. While this can encode the relevant information it might be considered a bit of an "off label use". The description below is closest to the second example of a prohibitory restriction on the wiki page. Steps:
As some might consider this to be stretching the definition of a turn restriction it might be useful to add a Never thought of turn restrictions that way. Will give it a try and see if it works. Thanks.
(01 Dec '19, 12:27)
First access=designation is not a thing and is always wrong, what you were thinking of is access=destination Outside of using *=destination I don't see a way of exactly modelling this with the the currently available tags, as, if I understood you correctly, through traffic is actually allowed for most destinations just not to the main road. 1
I think it is just about possible if you consider it a pair of overgrown turn restrictions. The required '
(01 Dec '19, 11:12)
A dedicated 'multi-
(01 Dec '19, 16:22)