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There seems to be some dispute about the correct use of highway=pedestrian.

For some people, the tag should be used for shopping streets, (town) squares, and roads that are signed as pedestrian zones (regardless of dimensions).

But for others, it can be any road that is designated pedestrians, but that is dimensioned to allow (emergency/service/delivery) vehicles. (On which the first group then can reply that such vehicles often use any kind of path.)

Some specific roads/paths I am struggling with:

I used to be in the second camp, but I've recently gotten several comments that I should only use highway=pedestrian for pedestrian zone kind of streets.

What are your thoughts? I think the relevant wiki page should be updated to avoid ambiguity, but what should we say there?

asked 29 Nov '19, 08:36

pbb's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


None of those examples I would tag as hw=pedestrian just from the looks.

But I don't think discussing such fundamental matters is really in scope of this help site. I would say you are better off discussing this on the tagging mailing list.

(29 Nov '19, 13:57) TZorn

I agree with TZorn in that I wouldn't tag any of those three examples as pedestrian. I'd tag them as highway=service, possibly also service=alley on the second one. I can't really give you a good, objective reason for doing so, though. I think that's why people struggle with this tag.

(29 Nov '19, 17:09) alester

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question asked: 29 Nov '19, 08:36

question was seen: 911 times

last updated: 29 Nov '19, 17:09

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum