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Someone has added a residental area including bus stops, a grocery store and a park in this location:

None of that exist. Not Isonperäntie nor any of the connecting streets from Auringonkukantie to Orkideantie, no Humalapuisto, no K-Market Humala (which literally would translate to "K-Market (being) drunk". To be fair, Humala is also Humulus Lupus, the plant).

I've checked from zoning plans and from city officials that nothing is being planned in this area either. It's partly protected heritage scenery area and also aircraft noise area.

I could (and will) delete all the nonexisting items, but I wanted to ask if this kind of pranks are common and if there is any interest (or even any non-existing possibility) in finding out who originally did this prank, if it matters at all.

asked 28 Nov '19, 14:02

pxi's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Apparently this prank calls itself a "school project": - of course that, and the name of the contributor, could be part of the fake data too. Feel free to delete it. Sometimes when this happens on a larger scale we make an effort to identify the school involved, and ask them to avoid such problems, but this seems relatively small-scale and an isolated incident.

permanent link

answered 28 Nov '19, 14:16

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Thanks, will do!

(28 Nov '19, 14:26) pxi

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question asked: 28 Nov '19, 14:02

question was seen: 820 times

last updated: 28 Nov '19, 15:40

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