We host approximately 45 Open Street Maps using KML files on our website. All of the map renderings appear to be down or drawing blanks today. We do not know what has changed or where. Any ideas? EXAMPLES: http://www.unoevansville.org/plazapark/ http://www.unoevansville.org/all-neighborhoods-map/ Thanks! Brent |
Looking at the source code for the first link in your message I'm guessing it is the OSM Map WordPress plugin related issue. I can't seem to copy/paste the bit I'm looking at, but see for example
You are correct. It is a OSM plugin issue. Thank You for responding.
(26 Nov '19, 22:21)
@bdjackson, please accept the answer, so other people know the problem is solved without reading everything. Thanks in advance
(27 Nov '19, 04:03)
I do not understand your answer. Using the plugin, our Wordpress script looks like this: [osm_map_v3 map_center="37.95973423799347,-87.55701988935472" zoom="11" width="100%" height="100%" control="fullscreen" map_border="thin solid orange" file_list="../kml/UNOE.kml" theme="ol"] It has not changed in 2 years. Brent
(27 Nov '19, 21:52)
@Brent - but OSM has changed in 2 years. What worked before might not work now.
(27 Nov '19, 22:27)
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