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Is there an accepted way to tag a restaurant whose dining room hours are different than its drive through? For example, I'm adding a Taco Bell that is open Su-Sa 07:00-00:00, but the drive through is open 07:00-02:00. Is there a way to tag this so that the drive through hours are available in search results?

asked 24 Nov '19, 20:44

tanderson92's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

It's really only starting to be used, but opening_hours:drive_through.

Editors might not have much specific support for the tag and it probably won't be used for things like search results for a while, but actually having some data available is a step in the right direction.

permanent link

answered 25 Nov '19, 01:08

maxerickson's gravatar image

accept rate: 32%


If you don't mind a personal comment being added, to me drive_through:opening_hours= sounds better. Sure, opening_hours:drive_through, opening_hours:kitchen (which is an odder key, v service_times= or meal time keys) are being used. However, as you pointed out, support/comparability is an issue. drive_through:opening_hours= would go better with drive_through=, like how there's atm:opening_hours "competing" with the Wiki-documented opening_hours:hours.

(26 Nov '19, 14:14) Kovoschiz

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question asked: 24 Nov '19, 20:44

question was seen: 1,395 times

last updated: 26 Nov '19, 14:18

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum