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Hello everyone, I was editing a very outdated map in OSM, and noticed how different satellite views aren't properly aligned with the entire map. The map aligns fine with Bing, but those images are severely outdated (around a decade old).

I had to use a recent (or as recent as I could) satellite view provider, but everything has a small, but significant offset (maybe of 10-15 meters). Istead of realigning the entire city with the more recent satellite views, is there a way to set an XY offset to the satellite images so that they would align better with the existing data? or maybe a tool to realign every road in a city with the more up to date views?

asked 22 Nov '19, 22:27

TheXDS's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


If you are using iD (the editor built into the website), open the background panel by pressing b or clicking the layer stack icon on the right side of the screen. Scroll to the bottom of that panel and expand the 'Adjust imagery offset' section. You can use the arrows, click and drag, or enter an offset directly.

If you are using JOSM, there is an 'Imagery Offset' submenu under the 'Imagery' menu. Select the layer you want to adjust and the click and drag the in the main window to adjust the layer.

Other editors that support lots of layers should have some similar mechanism.

Take your time deciding whether to adjust the existing data or not. It usually isn't that big an improvement and it is a lot of work. It can also be a bit of a chore to figure out which layer is really more accurate.

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answered 22 Nov '19, 23:19

maxerickson's gravatar image

accept rate: 32%

edited 22 Nov '19, 23:25

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question asked: 22 Nov '19, 22:27

question was seen: 2,516 times

last updated: 22 Nov '19, 23:25

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum