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how to map a bridge??

asked 21 Nov '19, 07:00

Bikash%20Sapkota's gravatar image

Bikash Sapkota
accept rate: 0%

It's simple.

Split the way in two places, 1) where the bridge starts, and 2) where it ends.

Click on the new segment you just created to select it and add the tags



There are other tags you might use to enhance this simple scenario, e.g.,

bridge:name=Memorial Bridge


but the first two tags will do the trick

permanent link

answered 21 Nov '19, 07:21

AlaskaDave's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 21 Nov '19, 07:21

Think he might mean man_made=bridge structure mapping.

(21 Nov '19, 10:58) Kovoschiz

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question asked: 21 Nov '19, 07:00

question was seen: 859 times

last updated: 21 Nov '19, 10:58

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