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Well, I bought a used Nüvi 1450 for my motorcycle, because I had build some special holder system which I liked to use also in future. Likely I did not see, that the Navi was a US-Version. At the beginning I did not take much attention to ist, because I liked to use OpenStreetMap as on the older Navi. (The old navi started to reboot when having to work hard, even after I exchanged the battery).

Because I cannot upload pictures, I will try to explain what happened.

When booting, Garmin shows "nüvi 1450 Copyright 2015 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries" Second frame shows: "Garmin C OPENSTREETMAP.ORG CONTRIBUTORS. SEE: HTTP...." A remark pops up: "FM Traffic provider database missing. Go to to download it" In the -->toolbox -->Maps --> Info I find "Open Street Map" [1] Germany

But when clicking on the map, I only see the vehicle, no map.

I have installed the map on a 32 Gbyte card and in folder Garmin.

I fear, the problem has something to do with the BaseMap of Garmin. But I do not know how to install a European / Atlantic Basemap.

Thanks for any help. Best regards from Germany.

asked 18 Nov '19, 20:13

flybike's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

According to this a 32gb is supported have you disabled the in built map and enabled the new one? Does the map you had on the old device work on the new one device? Telling us where you got the download from may help us confirm that the download worked for us.

(18 Nov '19, 22:15) andy mackey

have you disabled the in built map and enabled the new one? YES

Does the map you had on the old device work on the new one device? I am not sure, as the old one is not at hand right now. There are so many different pages about OSM that it is difficult to orientate. So I will try now another source and donwload.

Telling us where you got the download from may help us confirm that the download worked for us. Tell you the source after trying the new one.

(19 Nov '19, 08:14) flybike

You could test the map works with Garmin Basecamp software and if can connect sd/ micro sd card or the nuvi via usb and have basecamp on your PC.

(19 Nov '19, 08:26) andy mackey

You could test the map works with Garmin Basecamp running on your PC. You will need to connect the sd/ micro sd card or the nuvi via usb.

(19 Nov '19, 08:33) andy mackey

OK Sorry people! I got the idea, that the last owner may be had been on a place outside of Europe. Because I had only one Satellite available, I was thinking, may be the Navi keeps the last coordinate until a new connection to Satellites was possible. Which would lead to an empty Map Screen, if the last owner was outside Europe before selling it to me.

And sorry, yes, that was the solution. I brought the Navi to a place where it could receive 3 Satellites and buuum, there is the map now.

Hope you did not spent too much time because of my stupidity ;-) Best regards from Germany.

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answered 19 Nov '19, 16:02

flybike's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Thanks for reply, I'm pleased we got a solution.

(19 Nov '19, 16:10) andy mackey

From what I see here and here it does not look too good. Your device malfunctioned and files got erased. In the second link the person talked to Garmin and they would send a replacement unit.

Please search for "FM Traffic provider database missing." there are plenty of people with that error. I haven't looked through all posts. Maybe there are solutions.

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answered 19 Nov '19, 04:10

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

Thanks for the comment. The missingh Traffic provider is not the main problem. Nevertheless thanks for the message. After having solved the main problem, I will check the FM Traffic provider thing.

(19 Nov '19, 08:15) flybike

OK. First map was from computerteddy so I have chosen an alternativ source: But also with the new map, no change. The map is mentioned under INFO but no signs of the map shown when clicking on "map".

The following data are on the Navi: (the ending .bak: I changed name in order to check if the data is involved in hindering the map to being displayed)

GUPDATE.GCD.bak gmapth.img.bak TrafficProvider.xml.bak (I wanted to be sure, that TrafficProvider US does not interfere with German map) 681709271.gma gmapprom.gma .express Gmapprom.unl fs_image.ver FOLDER: DDB Diag EULA ExtData.bak JCV Logs Remote SW sqlite sqlite.bak

On the micro-sd-Card one find: FOLDER .System (I copied the .system from the Navi) GARMIN (here I copied the map, named gmapsupp.img) D165900 (Garmin express did this when I tried to install languages. The folder contains: D165900.ver and Folder Text with languages

Best regards.

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answered 19 Nov '19, 12:26

flybike's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Is the Nuvi in Navigation mode and does it have a gps fix? and not simulated. Are you located in Germany in an area covered by the map? Otherwise a fix will show a blank map, but you proabley know that, I only say that i once downloaded a Australian.img and i took me a time to realise i had to locate a point on to map to see anything.

(19 Nov '19, 15:52) andy mackey

When i have moved a GPS 50KM then turned it on it can take several minutes it to locate where it is, i have never moved one a third of the way around the World perhaps it needs quite a while outside to work out where it is.

(19 Nov '19, 16:03) andy mackey

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question asked: 18 Nov '19, 20:13

question was seen: 2,314 times

last updated: 19 Nov '19, 16:10

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