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Are there instructional videos for new OpenStreetMap contributors?

asked 17 Aug '11, 20:20

Richard%20Weait's gravatar image

Richard Weait
accept rate: 17%

David Ellams created some videos in June 2011 covering the basics of openstreetmap editing with Potlatch2 (default editor on the website). They have been subtitled in may languages and can be found at:

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answered 18 Aug '11, 15:25

Matt%20Williams's gravatar image

Matt Williams
accept rate: 10%

OpenStreetMap contributor, emacsen, just announced a new series of OSM videos.

In honor of OSM's birthday, I present to the OSM community a new series of videos on OpenStreetMap.

They're a set of Khan Academy style videos. That is they're each short 5-15 minute videos on a particular topic of OpenStreetMap. Right now there's about two hours of video, covering the basic concepts: all the way from nodes and tags, to routing, changesets and rendering.

permanent link

answered 17 Aug '11, 20:25

Richard%20Weait's gravatar image

Richard Weait
accept rate: 17%

Did you have already a look at the OSM wiki at Video_tutorials ?

There are some of them ...

permanent link

answered 17 Aug '11, 20:30

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

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question asked: 17 Aug '11, 20:20

question was seen: 6,572 times

last updated: 18 Aug '11, 15:25

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum